XScreensaver, phosphor and german ‘umlaute’
sometimes it’s just the very little things that bug me a bit.
one had always been that phosphor does not like UTF encoding a lot and shows german “umlaute” just worng!
a little program called recode
comes handy here!
this ends up calling phosphor something like that:
/usr/lib/xscreensaver/phosphor -root -program 'fortune | recode -f utf8..latin1' -scale 3 |
now, all you gotta do is add this in your configuration dialog of xscreesavers phosphor.
useless….but still :D
29 July, 2017 - 16:56
Mhh, that didn’t work for me somehow. I added a `-u` to fortune and that made it work.
fortune -s -u| recode -f utf8..latin1
> Manual page fortune(6)
> -u Don’t translate UTF-8 fortunes to the locale when searching or translating.
what is going on hmm